NEW assembly tests completed

Assembly tests of NEW have been performed in Madrid, in the latest weeks. In the picture, a view of the interior of the vessel from the energy plane, showing the inner copper shield and the tracking support for the dice boards.

The NEW inner copper shield is being installed

The inner copper shield of NEW, which will help to reduce the background rate inside the detector, is being assembled these days in Madrid.

XVI NEXT Collaboration Meeting

The 16th NEXT Collaboration Meeting will be held at IFIC on November 6 and 7. The meeting will be focused on the commencement of operations of the NEW detector at the Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc, and the latest analyses of the NEXT-DEMO prototype installed at IFIC.

The NEXT Collaboration comprises about 60 physicist from over 10 institutions in 5 different countries. The spokesperson of the Collaboration is Prof. JJ Gómez Cadenas.

Collaboration between NEXT and the CLPU of Salamanca

The collaboration of NEXT with the CLPU (Centro de Láseres pulsados) of Salamanca has started.

"El Centro de Láseres Pulsados en su calidad de centro de investigación de usuarios va a aportar la tecnología láser para acelerar la investigación y lograr mayor precisión en las mediciones. Su reto será detectar iones-bario procedentes de la "doble desintegración beta sin neutrinos" del gas Xenon utilizado en el experimento (Barium Tagging)." from salamanca24horas.

"El Centro de Láseres Pulsados (CLPU) de Salamanca diseñará tecnología esencial para el proyecto NEXT, que busca demostrar si el neutrino es su propia antipartícula, lo cual explicaría la existencia de la materia." from dycit.

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